Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Denial of Difference as Part of the P.C. Morality

Over a series of posts The Reasons Why the Differences between Women and Men are Being Denied I have discussed how male vanity, feminism, the men's movement, the fear of appearing naive, and many other forces are all working together towards a myth of sameness. People in all of these and other groups have reasons for pretending that women and men feel the same about sex. Even though they may be at odds otherwise, they support each other in their pretending, creating the myth.

Today I'll talk about another overriding reason for pretending that women and men feel the same when they obviously don't: the denial of difference has become part of the Politically Correct Morality.

Let me explain what I mean by "Politically Correct Morality." Lots of people complain about political correctness, but few point out what's the real problem with it. After all, many of things that are politically correct--the desire for equality, to protect the environment--are good things.

Part of the problem is obvious: if people pretend to share these beliefs for only political reasons, it leads to hypocrisy, and lots of bad things result. If a man goes around saying he believes in "gender equality" (to use the p.c. term), but in private physically abuses women, he is dangerous--more than he would have been had he felt free to go around saying, "I hate women." At least then women would know to steer clear of him.

But there's a much bigger problem with political correctness. It is becoming a new morality. As it does, the true believers become more fanatical and intolerant. The beliefs become more simplistic.

"Equality" gets mistaken for "sameness." Anyone who points out that women are different from men is suspected of not believing in equality.He may even be branded a misogynist, simply because he refuses to pretend that women and men are the same.

Naturally enough, those who believe in difference--that is, the majority--keep our mouths shut, hoping to keep out of trouble, and the myth of sameness keeps growing. 

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